Top Ten Freebies That Make Your Disneyland Trip Magical
The people who run Disneyland are my kind of people. Organized, efficient and empowered to make decisions to improve your experience, just about every employee
Wherever you go there are places to play with kids and students no matter the time of year. Explore camping, playgrounds around Vancouver and beat summer boredom in kids!
The people who run Disneyland are my kind of people. Organized, efficient and empowered to make decisions to improve your experience, just about every employee
The people who run Disneyland are my kind of people. Organized, efficient and empowered to make decisions to improve your experience, just about every employee
Camping with kids is a test of a marriage. There is a ridiculous amount of planning, packing and set up required to keep everyone comfortable
The research on outdoor play is clear. Kids who get outside for at least an hour a day, rain or shine, are healthier, happier and
Although the year has officially just begun, it’s a critical time of year for parents to begin making plans for kids and their Fall programming.
In my neighbourhood, kids knock on doors to ask if so and so can come out to play in an ongoing giant game of capture
If you are looking for some room to play, then get on over to Richmond’s Terra Nova playground! The playground is an extension of the Terra Nova
If you’ve read my post on bored kids you know that academic learning can be lost over the long summer months and that it often
Have you ever had to do something that required your undivided attention while the music was blaring, the TV was on, or a room full
In this workshop we’ll explore how your school-yard can provide endless inspiration for creative and imaginative artistic representations that are eco-friendly and consume less ‘stuff’!
Hello classroom gardeners! Thank you for joining us as we kick off another year of garden learning together. You’ll receive a reminder (and a session
International Mud Day is June 29th this year, and if you are going to have a garden with kids, it makes sense to have a
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This post is written specifically to support colleagues and visiting TTOCs at Homma elementary school. Teachers from other schools are encouraged to make a similar document specific to their own walkable spaces and places for outdoor learning. The following is a list of recommended walking field trips we have visited with students. Please check with Sarah or I if you’d like to double up on your walking first trip to gain confidence or experience travelling to these spaces.
In 2014, I attended the ‘Fourth R’ Conference jointly hosted by the West Vancouver school district and the Canadian Self Regulation Initiative. This conference focused on why the Fourth ‘R’
Learning about seeds is an accessible and fascinating starting point for any school garden inquiry. Gardens depend on seeds, and learning how seeds travel can deepen a child’s understanding and
Of all the crops you can grow with kids, garlic is one of the easiest and most rewarding. Read on to learn how to grow garlic with kids in just