Webinars and Workshops

As an independent consultant, I offer workshops, webinars, and professional learning that can be customized for your school or organization’s objectives. I bring over 27 years of practical and professional teaching experience to my work, anchored in current research and scholarly theories.

Workshops listed below are examples of frequently requested topics. You can absolutely request a combination of themes or curricular topics. If you don’t see the workshop you are looking for, contact me to see what we can come up with together! Outdoor classroom professional learning workshops run from 2-5 hours each and are generally suitable for public and independent elementary school teachers, pre-service teachers, educational assistants, school councillors and other district personnel. Information sessions for parent associations and non school district staff are also available. 

I prefer pedagogical and curricular workshops be booked as a series. This enhances opportunities to enact change at both the school and district level. Click here to discuss how we can build a custom series for your school district’s needs. 

Webinars are cost effective and often easier to schedule. Webinars tend to run shorter to maximize participation and participant enthusiasm for the workshop. Most webinars will be booked as a 120 minute block and offered as 90 minutes sessions, with time allocated for specific questions and discussions, in addition to the material presented. 



In this transformative session we will explore the pedagogy of play and the global body of research that powerfully influences how decisions are made by adults supervising outdoor play.

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Transition To Teaching Outdoors

These are strange and stressful days for educators heading back to school amidst a global pandemic. This 90 minute webinar is offered to districts or schools looking for inspiration, practical ideas, and capacity building for their school community who wish to take the learning outdoors as much as possible.

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School Gardening Basics

In this workshop teachers, educational assistants, school councillors and other district personnel are invited to broaden their understanding of how a school garden can be used like any other classroom.

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Pedagogies Of Place

This workshop is for experienced practitioners who are ready to think deeply as we complicate ways of engaging children intellectually in learning that is relevant, culturally responsive, and interconnected to the lands we learn with, from, and on.

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The Garden Classroom Series

This ten part series is offered monthly to school districts or organizations who wish to host professional learning for teachers in garden-based education. Each session will unpack systemic barriers with practical and cost-effective solutions that are scaffolded for capacity building.

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Science Outdoors

Bring your long range plans and your curiosity to this action packed workshop! Learn how the big ideas of our BC curriculum can be effectively explored outdoors in a meaningful context for scientific inquiry.

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The Garden Classroom

This full day workshop provides a clear plan forward for Westcoast school gardens. Practical tips and tricks are shared with inspirational stories of school garden transformations.

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Outdoor Classroom Management

A common misconception, when taking students outdoors, is that they will be off task or challenging to manage. In this workshop we will consider how an outdoor classroom is just like any other classroom and completely different, at the same time!

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Pedagogies Of Play

This workshop is for experienced educators who are willing to consider the potential academic, social, and physical benefits of outdoor play as a pedagogical approach to teaching across the K-7 curriculum.

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Literacy Outdoors

The outdoor classroom, school-yard, and garden are perfect spaces and places for inclusive and creative storytelling, vocabulary development, non-fiction writing, fine motor skill development and more!

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How To Start A School Garden

School gardens are fraught with systemic barriers that can take the joy out of outdoor learning. In this workshop we will explore practical and simple solutions for getting your school growing and learning outdoors.

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Math Outdoors

Math is everywhere in the garden! In this workshop, participants will be introduced to hands-on, interactive, and joyful ways of naturally engaging children in mathematical thinking in the garden. Read more!

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Outdoor Play With Loose Parts

Play isn’t just for primary! In this workshop, participants will be inspired by the use of loose parts for mathematical thinking, scientific inquiry and creative storytelling in the garden to engage learners from K-7 in meaningful, student directed inquiry.

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Art Outdoors

In this workshop we’ll explore how your school-yard can provide endless inspiration for creative and imaginative artistic representations that are eco-friendly and consume less ‘stuff’!

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Contact me for a customized quote with your preferred dates and times.


Pricing is determined by the scope of work requested, and variable depending on number of participants. Travel costs are in addition to facilitation costs and include a negotiable fee for my travel time. Mileage to drive to your location is charged at .68 per km. I am travelling from Vancouver (YVR) on the Westcoast of Canada. For your budget planning, any airline tickets purchased on my behalf must be with Air Canada or a Star Alliance airline and a minimum of Comfort economy class. My full day facilitation rate starts at $3000. Please inquire for a project rate when travel requires an overnight stay. Webinars start at $1000 per hour. Please inquire about rates for recorded sessions. All sessions facilitated by Megan Zeni include pre-session planning and communication, professional facilitation, as well as access to a password protected page on my website with resources for participants. I do offer several low or no fee sessions per year for organizations that could not otherwise access this learning. Please contact me here for a customized quote with your preferred dates and times.

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