
Megan’s resources for teaching across the curriculum and why outdoor play matters are a must for your outdoor classroom.

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Playful Literacy and Shadow Puppets

Literacy and Shadow Puppets For pre-literate children, shadow puppets are a fantastic way to support the big idea of story found in most early learning curriculums.

Camping With Kids

Camping with kids is a test of a marriage. There is a ridiculous amount of planning, packing and set up required to keep everyone comfortable

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Why Reading to Babies Matters

Everyone seems to agree on the abundance of research supporting the data that reading to babies leads to school success. For a long time, we have known that children from homes

Outdoor Play and Learning in the Rain

Thank you to everyone who supported our webinar on April 19 in support of the Wild About Vancouver Festival! We raised several hundred dollars that will go towards providing a

Rainy Day Play Ideas

Opportunities for playing in the rain are sorely missing in many childhoods. It often seems like decisions to stay inside at recess are randomly decided after glancing out a window

San Antonio Risky Play and Loose Parts

Thanks to everyone from the The Advanced Learning Academy for such a warm welcome today! What a joy it is to share my love for unstructured outdoor play in schools!

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