
Megan’s resources for teaching across the curriculum and why outdoor play matters are a must for your outdoor classroom.

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Science Outdoors

Bring your long range plans and your curiosity to this action packed workshop! Learn how the big ideas of our BC curriculum can be effectively explored outdoors in a meaningful context for scientific inquiry.

Pumpkin Inspired STEAM Activities

There are a million ways to craft, learn and cook with pumpkins. Since the internet is full of amazing ideas and bloggers, I’ve put together

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Literacy Outdoors

The outdoor classroom, school-yard, and garden are perfect spaces and places for inclusive and creative storytelling, vocabulary development, non-fiction writing, fine motor skill development and more!

The Garden Classroom

This full day workshop provides a clear plan forward for Westcoast school gardens. Practical tips and tricks are shared with inspirational stories of school garden transformations.

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Butterflies are essential pollinator friends in our ecosystem that add to the biodiversity of any garden. When it comes to butterfly STEAM, this paper project is one of my favourites

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As a teacher, I can tell you that holiday gifts are not expected! Many families, however, wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of their child’s teacher with a

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