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Play Research Group: beginnings

Our first play research group meeting on intersecting and overlapping topics relevant to child well-being was full of informal discussion and brainstorming about the scope of

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10 Easy Ideas For Lego Storage

The thing about Lego storage is that it has to be practical if you want to have the bits put away once in awhile. I see Lego organization ideas all

Carol Dweck On How Praise Impacts Learning

As we move towards report card season, you might find it helpful to watch this video clip on mindset and how academically beneficial or discouraging praise can be. In this clip,

Playful Literacy and Shadow Puppets

Literacy and Shadow Puppets For pre-literate children, shadow puppets are a fantastic way to support the big idea of story found in most early learning curriculums. Shadow puppet play adds another

Outdoor Play With Loose Parts

Play isn’t just for primary! In this workshop, participants will be inspired by the use of loose parts for mathematical thinking, scientific inquiry and creative storytelling in the garden to engage learners from K-7 in meaningful, student directed inquiry.

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