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Rainy Day Play Ideas

Opportunities for playing in the rain are sorely missing in many childhoods. It often seems like decisions to stay inside at recess are randomly decided

How to grow potatoes with kids

One of the most challenging aspects of growing food in school gardens is choosing crops that can reliably be harvested within the school year. Potatoes

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Playful Learning Outdoors in June

To support our colleagues returning to on-site instruction in June, we’ve put together this list of ideas for playful learning outdoors in June. You can download a PDF version here:

Canadian Injury Prevention Conference

Thank you to everyone who joined Emma and I today! It’s always such a pleasure to share our joy for outdoor play and learning. The slides from our session can

How To Start A School Garden

School gardens are fraught with systemic barriers that can take the joy out of outdoor learning. In this workshop we will explore practical and simple solutions for getting your school growing and learning outdoors.

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