
Megan is available for media interviews with 24 hours notice. Contact her here with your specific request.

Recorded Keynotes

National Outdoor Learning Conference. Banff, Alberta. May, 2023

Press Releases


Radio Interviews

Magazine Interviews

Discussing how storytelling in the outdoor classroom connects children to nature. Read the article here. 

Interviewed on ways parents can become more comfortable with risky play. Read the article at Fatherly here.

Podcast Interviews

Edu-Kate Podcast 

Listen in as I discuss the importance of Risky Play in schools

Live It Earth: 21st Century Teacher Podcast

Listen in as I discuss starting up a school garden in elementary schools

Green Teacher Earthy Chats Podcast

Listen in as I discuss the value of a soil inquiry with our learners, with or without a school garden to learn in!

Mentoring Nature Connections

Listen in as I discuss my top tips and tricks for starting up a school garden at your elementary school.

Disconnect: The Outdoor Education Podcast

Listen in as I discuss my top ten tips for teachers looking to transition to teaching more outdoors. Based on this blog post:  TEN TIPS FOR TEACHING OUTSIDE

Each For All: The Cooperative Connection

Listen in as I discuss the opportunities and advantages of teaching outdoors during a global pandemic. Starts at the 30 minutes mark, on after Dr. Charles Ungerleider.

The Mind Full Mommies Podcast
Listen in as Sarah and I discuss our teaching assignment and why outdoor, unstructured, play is so important for kids! Read more in this blog post: TEACHING PREP OUTSIDE