
10 Easy Ideas For Lego Storage

The thing about Lego storage is that it has to be practical if you want to have the bits put away once in awhile. I see Lego organization ideas all the time that look cute or fun on Pinterest, but are simply impractical for actually playing with the blocks in real life. Here are 10 easy ideas for lego storage that actually work with real kids who play with Lego! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

10 Easy Ideas For Lego Storage:

Smaller, shoe box sized bins are a practical solution for core building blocks that kids are playing with regularly. They can be stacked on top of each other and quickly opened up for ease of play. Clean up is swift when bits can be sorted into the bins by many hands. Here is an example of how we’ve sorted so blocks are handy for construction by colour. Buy the boxes here.

lego storage

Stackable dollar store trays make using and finding the tiny bits and pieces easier. When Lego is organized like this, the play becomes more about creating, and less about searching for parts. Buy the sorting trays here.

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If you are more of a toss it all in a bin organizer, this magical mat makes play on the go a reality! Simply pull the drawstrings for swift and easy lego storage and cleanup. Buy it here.

lego storage

For children with lots of “sets”, a building table can be a good solution. In this home, the table displays the sets and provides a space for playing, while the drawers hold the accessories and smaller bits that are waiting to be used. Read about this Lego organization and playroom decluttering project here.

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This up cycled bedside table has been repurposed into a perfect little lego storage unit! Glue a base plate to the top and you’ve got a tidy play area for your lego fan! Buy the base plate here.

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Now, if you really want a quick clean up and a space to keep the Lego out of sight when it’s not being played with, don’t forget that under bed storage units make great storage units for lego too! Buy under bed storage here.

At our house we keep the Lego instruction booklets in a clear bin, but this idea is a good one for tucking them away on a shelf from Angie Six on Flickr.

I love this DIY solution for replicating those expensive lego tables!

Lego storage is a serious thing, so don’t forget you can always just buy the Lego storage heads and trays!

And if you are looking for more Lego storage ideas, join me on Pinterest for clever DIY organization and storage ideas!

10 easy ideas for lego storage

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