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Homma elementary school walking field trips

This post is written specifically to support colleagues and visiting TTOCs at Homma elementary school. Teachers from other schools are encouraged to make a similar document specific to their own walkable spaces and places for outdoor learning. The following is a list of recommended walking field trips we have visited with students. Please check with Sarah or I if you’d like to double up on your walking first trip to gain confidence or experience travelling to these spaces.

Playful Learning Outdoors in June

To support our colleagues returning to on-site instruction in June, we’ve put together this list of ideas for playful learning outdoors in June. You can

How to Organize Seasonal Clothing

Organize Seasonal Clothing With the changing of the seasons comes the bitter-sweet task of putting away all those sandals and sun hats and digging out all the boots and

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Butterfly gardens are rich in educational opportunities and aesthetic functionality. Depending on where you live, you can attract and support butterfly migration corridors with selected plantings and carefully designed garden

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The reality of urban living, especially in expensive cities like Vancouver, is that we often don’t have vast and unfinished basements to banish unwanted toys from our sight lines.  And

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