
Land Art: Creative people inspire me! and other Six Word Memoirs

So this is new to me! For a class on action research with Dr. Cynthia Nicol, I’ve been asked to think about how I might use six words to describe an aspect of myself. The six word memoir is really a thing, and I enjoyed reading the clever wordplay over at the six word memoir webpage.

My six word memoirs

In any case, here is my go at it. I’m not sure if photos are required, but the samples we were provided used them, so it seems like a good excuse to revisit a few of my favourites! I could keep going and going with these! Check back to see if I’ve updated them as inspiration strikes!

Finding joy: Embracing our frenetic life!

six word memoir

Motherhood: Encouraging your children to fly.

six word memoir

Garden Classrooms: No Child Left Inside

six word memoir

Land Art: Creative people inspire me!

six word memoir

No such thing as bad weather!

rain day

Green thumb: I grow great gardens.

garlic harvest

Ask your teacher: take me outside!

mud pie

Motherhood: bending the space/time continuum

family photo

I enjoyed these! How would you describe yourself in 6 words? I can see how these could spark great conversations and story-telling. I wonder if the images are helpful, or if they detract from the intention of the exercise by providing insight into the author’s words.

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