
UBC EDCP 320 Physical Health Education

This page is for B.Ed students in the faculty of education at UBC with active links for resources shared during our class that will remain here after our class is complete. If you have quality PHE resources suitable for emerging professionals not listed here, please be sure to connect with me so I can add them! Links below are vetted for suitability, but I can not guarantee they will remain active over time.

Week One: Creating Communities of Practice

Required Readings:

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2021). Introduction to Physical Health and Education Curriculum.

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2021). PHE curriculum. 

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2021). PHE goals and rationale. 

BCTF code of ethics

Online Resources:

Instant activity examples from the website Elementary PE Teacher

PHE Canada Website

Outdoor play Canada Website

Week Two: Pedagogies of Play

Required Readings:

Burriss, K., & Burriss, L. (2011). Outdoor play and learning: Policy and practice. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 6(8), 1. 

Flannigan, C., & Dietze, B. (2017). Children, outdoor play, and loose parts. Journal of Childhood Studies, 42(4), 53-60.

Online Resources:

What is risky play & why kids need it by Megan Zeni an online risk re-framing tool to support parents, caregivers, and educators

Books Shared (some link to, but please try to purchase from a local bookstore first!)

The Most Magnificent Thing

Nature Play at Home

If you Find a Rock

Seasons of Play

Adventure in Risky Play

The Line

Not a Stick

Not a Box


Sam and Dave Dig a Hole

Deep Nature Play

Balanced and Barefoot

Anywhere Artist

Week Three: Pedagogies of Place

Required Readings:

Gruenewald, D. A. (2003). Foundations of place: A multidisciplinary framework for place-conscious education. American Educational Research Journal, 40(3), 619-654. 

Nxumalo, F., & Cedillo, S. (2017). Decolonizing place in early childhood studies: Thinking with Indigenous onto-epistemologies and Black feminist geographies. Global Studies of Childhood, 7(2), 99-112

Online Resources:

Sit Spots with Lauren McLean

First Peoples Principles of Learning FNESC website

The Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association EEPSA

How to teach nature journaling (sign up for a free download) by John Muir

Books Shared: (some link to, but please try to purchase from a local bookstore first!)

Looking Closely in the Garden

Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples


I know Here

This is How I Know


Pacific Northwest Plant Knowledge Cards

Instant Activities Introduced:

Total physical response

Looking at the diverse colours of nature

Week Four: Rethinking Where Learning Happens in PHE

Required Readings:

Cairns, K. (2018). Beyond magic carrots: Garden pedagogies and the rhetoric of effects. Harvard Educational Review88(4), 516-537.

Oberle, E., Zeni, M., & Munday, F., & Brussoni, M. (2021). Support Factors and Barriers for Outdoor Learning in Elementary Schools: A Systemic Perspective, American Journal of Health Education, DOI: 10.1080/19325037.2021.1955232

Online Resources:

Outdoor classroom day Website

Active for life website

EEPSA position statement on education outside the classroom

Books Shared: (some link to, but please try to purchase from a local bookstore first!)

The Wild Weather Book

Outside In

The Walking Curriculum

Instant Activities Introduced:

Sit and sense

Week Five: Fundamental Movement Skills & Physical Literacy

Required Readings:

Physical Literacy Concept Paper from Sport for Life

Physical Literacy Educational Strategies from PHE Canada

Online Resources:

Active for Life. (2017). Lesson Plans

Play Builder Digital Learning Resource for K-7 Educators

True Sport Fundamentals PDF online

Fundamental Movement Skills A Coaching Association of Canada Resource Guide

ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth

Games suitable for social distancing by Asphalt Green

PHE Canada Dance Education Resource. (2017) Dance Education

Dance Play. (2017). Developing physical literacy through dance

Instant Activities Introduced:

Found Movement

Week Six: Healthy & Active Living

Required Readings:

Healthy Schools BC: Comprehensive School Health Framework

Online Resources:

Pan Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health: What is comprehensive school health?

DASH BC Comprehensive School Health 4 Pillar Activity

Food Safe BC course information

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Programs for Teachers

PHE Canada: At my Best program information

Books Shared: (some link to, but please try to purchase from a local bookstore first!)

Grow Happy

The School Garden Curriculum

I Can Do Hard Things

Find Your Calm

Instant Activities Introduced:

Mirror Activity

Week Seven: Social & Community Health

Required Readings:

Butler, J., Burns, D. P., & Robson, C. (2021;2020;). Dodgeball: Inadvertently teaching oppression in physical and health education. European Physical Education Review, 27(1), 27-40.

Online Resources:

Shore Centre Sexual Health: Inclusive sex education language

Options for sexual health: Resources

Seleema Noon: Sexual Health Resources

Duty to Report guidelines in British Columbia

Human Rights Resources For Teachers: Voices in Action

SOGI 123

Bullying Stops Here! A parent’s guide to bullying

Healthy Schools BC: Resources

PHE Canada: Supporting Gender and Sexually Diverse Students

First Voices Resources

Books Shared: (some link to, but please try to purchase from a local bookstore first!)

Stand Like a Cedar

Each Kindness

Have you filled a bucket?

Colin and Less, Carrot and Pea


When we are kind

What does it mean to be brave?

Instant Activities Introduced:

Celebration dance circle

Week Eight: Mental Well-being

Recommended Resources:

BC Children’s Hospital: Kelty mental health resources

PHE Canada: Teach Resiliency

Anxiety Canada resources

Mind Up Resources

Canadian mental health resources (CAMH)

Books Shared: (some link to, but please try to purchase from a local bookstore first!)

Sitting Still Like a Frog

Mind Up

My Many Coloured Days

The Princess and the Fog

Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

Instant Activities Introduced:

Follow Me on Social!



