Outdoor Classrooms

The outdoor classroom describes a shared space of learning in a school community where learners can gather to experience learning with and from the land. Outdoor classrooms can be formally constructed spaces or a simple tarp on a field. These posts provide practical tips and resources for educators who wish to transition to teaching outdoors.

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SD #38 Transition to teaching outdoors

Thanks to Grauer and Spul’u’kwuks elementary schools for having me join your professional learning today! The following blog posts may be helpful as you build

Homma elementary school walking field trips

This post is written specifically to support colleagues and visiting TTOCs at Homma elementary school. Teachers from other schools are encouraged to make a similar document specific to their own walkable spaces and places for outdoor learning. The following is a list of recommended walking field trips we have visited with students. Please check with Sarah or I if you’d like to double up on your walking first trip to gain confidence or experience travelling to these spaces.

Easy Lavender Playdough

Playdough is surprisingly entertaining for kids of all ages. Adding lavender playdough as a sensorial play opportunity in the school garden becomes a delightful way

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Why Reading to Babies Matters

Everyone seems to agree on the abundance of research supporting the data that reading to babies leads to school success. For a long time, we have known that children from homes

San Antonio Risky Play and Loose Parts

Thanks to everyone from the The Advanced Learning Academy for such a warm welcome today! What a joy it is to share my love for unstructured outdoor play in schools!

Alberni District Teacher Professional Day

Thank you for joining me today for our session exploring how we might transition to teaching outdoors. The following blog posts and resources might be helpful as you go forward

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