- filed under: Completed Workshops, Outdoor Classrooms
San Antonio Risky Play and Loose Parts
Thanks to everyone from the The Advanced Learning Academy for such a warm welcome today! What a joy it is to share my love for unstructured outdoor play in schools! Here are blog posts you may find helpful and resources to support your conversations that may emerge from our session:
- What is Risky Play and why it matters (multiple links to resources also in this post)
- Risky Play with height
- Risky Play with tools
- Risky Play- feeling lost
- Books for introducing loose parts play
- How to build a mud kitchen
- How to build a dinosaur garden
- How to build a bug hotel
Risk Re-framing tool for outdoor play (for parents and ECE providers)
Outdoor Play toolkit (with a risk benefit assessment template)
Unstructured Outdoor Play Toolkit (with excellent infographics to share from the Canadian Public Health Association)
The Power of Play episode (CBC The Nature of Things)
6 Actions schools and districts can take to support outdoor play and learning in schools (with an excellent infographic to share)