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Cool Plants Facts For Kids

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For generations, the use of tools was a rite of passage and a normal part of any child’s growth and development. Somewhere along the way,

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How To Build A Dinosaur Garden

If you’ve ever fallen into the black hole of Pinterest, you’ve certainly seen some cute and fun ideas for gardening with kids. Which is great because, in my opinion, gardens

Literacy Outdoors

The outdoor classroom, school-yard, and garden are perfect spaces and places for inclusive and creative storytelling, vocabulary development, non-fiction writing, fine motor skill development and more!

What Seeds Need To Grow: A Seed Inquiry

Seeds are a fascinating lens through which a huge amount of curriculum can be explored. From mathematical routines like ‘which one doesn’t belong’ to sorting by attribute, to understanding adaptations

Transition To Teaching Outdoors

These are strange and stressful days for educators heading back to school amidst a global pandemic. This 90 minute webinar is offered to districts or schools looking for inspiration, practical ideas, and capacity building for their school community who wish to take the learning outdoors as much as possible.

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